Monday, July 16, 2007

Metallica - No Life Till Leather Remastering

I have been fortunate to find a nice version of the album demo on the net, but it needed to be worked on so I did my very best, and after a few hours I had something really special.

Here is the completed log I included with the release

Monday July 16TH, 2007

Everyone seems to know the history of this demo
recording, so I don't need to get into that. If
you wanna learn more, try google.

Anyways, I spend a lot of my time now working on
improving the sound of old recordings. I have
always had a hard time finding a good quality
cassette to copy "No Life Til Leather" until

This cassette was not mangled or damaged in any
way I could find, so I new I had a gem. I
carefully recorded the entire cassette at once.
Once the copying was done, I evaluated the quality
and to my surprise, it was quite good already,
but it still sounded like a 3rd generation tape,
basically, a copy of the cassette tape demo.

I had to do a little bit of noise reduction because
even though the cassette tape was a great copy, the
master recording was going to have noise on it, so
either way a little had to be done. There was a low
freq hum which I removed, without removing bass freqs.

Overall, I individually used noise reduction on all
tracks separately, spending about 4 hours doing just
that. With hiss gone, the treble was automatically
raised, and you could hear the cymbals a lot better
without further eq. Still, there was more work to
be done.

Since the volume levels changed a lot, I kept that
the same, and didn't attempt to compress or anything
like that, I just carefully added a bit of top end
and some bass. I thought the quality of this final
work was pretty good. If you listen to it without any
kind of eq it should sound fine the way I mastered it.
To me it sounds more like a 2nd generation copy now,
some have even told me that they thought I had the
original master, if I had there wouldn't be a freq cut
after 16k.

If you listen to Seek And Destroy, you can pan all the
way to the left channel at about 0:32 and you will hear
the original studio echo from the guitar, no hiss at all,
it sounds really fantastic. Other than the occasional wow
and flutter which is in the original, everything is
better sounding, and I think most fans will like this
newly remastered version.