Sunday, February 18, 2007

Remastering Tips - Case Study - The Beatles' She Loves You

Remastering Tips - Case Study - The Beatles' She Loves You

One of the key things to remember about this song, is that every officially released version has been either in mono, meaning both channels have the same sound, or in some simulated stereo. There has never been an officially sounding stereo version until now.

This was created mainly by taking the German version of She Loves You, titled Sie Liebt Dich, of course the German version was available on the Beatles Rarities Album. Instruments on one side vocals on the other. Good for me, because is just what I needed to make my mix.

I started off by synchronizing the instrumental track from the LP with the Red Album (Beatles Greatest Hits) version of SLY. Once that was done, the rest was easy, copy the Yeah's and Ooh's from the German Vocal Track, and there was my mix. Took a couple years, but in reality, about 20 hours were spent altogether, nothing more really.

That should be about it for that story, now if only EMI could contact me so I could remaster the rest of the albums, I would be all for it, but I haven't received any calls yet. Maybe someday they will need me, until now, it's just my hobby.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

She Loves You - In Stereo

She Loves You - In Stereo

This project was the first one I ever attempted on my way to remxing songs, and doing remastering. I started by using a version of The Beatles' "She Loves You" from the Past Masters Volume 1 CD. I got criticism because that was not the "best" version I could have been using at that time.

My 2nd mix was by using the version from the Red Album (Greatest Hits 1962-1966). This one made a lot of people take notice that there may soon available to the public. Little did I know that from this point on, there was no turning back. I started on this new adventure, and before long I knew that the road to making a successful mix was a long and hard one.

My first remix was completed and I posted the details
9/07/04 at 11:08 AM according to this site: . Again, later on 10/02/04 at 12:41 PM I posted that I thought the new version (mix 3) would be the best one I would ever be able to create. Unfortunately, for me, I would have many more mixes to do before the song was perfected.

10/05/04 I was already getting much feedback on my mix. Not only was it one of the only versions perfectly synchronized, but there was a lot of clarity. I was still not finished, but I didn't know that. Sometime around 10/18/04 at 01:59 PM, I found out that It Capitol was releasing the First Four American Beatles Albums on CD.

Not a whole lot happened from that time until April / May 2005. By that time, I tackled most of the problems I had with the old version, and created fresh mixes as a result. I came back in
10/29/05 with a new mix, but then disappeared again until 2/22/06, two days before my 24th birthday. Once again I started from scratch using a better version of the backing track.

New mixes were posted but for the most part, the songs were the same from February 2006 until now, except for one final addition on
1/22/07 at 04:48 AM, the Abbey Road Studio 2 Echo Chamber Effect.

The rest is history.